Southern Maine’s Premier Wholesale Nursery
We are a wholesale nursery selling the full line of BB and container plants since 1975. We offer timely delivery of our plants to landscapers, nurseries and other allied contractors through-out the Northeast, from Maine to New York. Whether you are looking for natives or ornamentals, containers or BB, we will be your #1 source because of our large selection and continual replenishing of our stock.

Extensive In-Stock Availability
Pierson Nurseries’ wholesales trees, shrubs, perennials, tools, and landscaping materials to landscapers, nurseries, and other allied contractors. We restock our availability throughout the season to ensure we have regular availability of stock. We update our stock lists consistently so you can always find what you need.

We pride ourselves on making and sticking to a fast turnaround on our delivery schedule. We’ve got our own trucks along with trusted independent carriers so you can rely on us from order to arrival onsite. We will get you your material when your team is ready for it, maximizing your efficiency.

Invested in a Sustainable Approach
As the largest wholesale nursery grower in Maine, we understand how our choices cascade. We pride ourselves on being a steward of the land and our watersheds. This approach continuously evolves to implement best practices from science and community knowledge. Native plants are a cornerstone of our production and sales.