Customer Interaction
- The office is located at 313 Waterhouse Rd, Dayton ME. Please stop here or call here for pick up directions.
- No customers or their representatives will be allowed to walk the nursery without a scheduled appointment.
- We will require an order be given to us over the phone, emailed or faxed to us 48 hours in advance of the pickup so it can be pulled ahead.
- All container material will be gathered and set out on pallet racks at the parking lot by the garage.
- All BB material will be staged at the BB prep area (next to the solar panels).
- The customer will call or stop by the office when they arrive, and we will radio out for a staff member to lead them to their order.
- A copy of the invoice will be placed on the rack for the customer to refer to and confirm while they load their material.
All policies are under constant review and subject to change.