As the largest wholesale nursery grower in Maine, we understand how our choices cascade. We pride ourselves on being a steward of the land and our watersheds. This approach continuously evolves to implement best practices from science and community knowledge. Native plants are a cornerstone of our production and sales. Forty years of experience has taught us that sustainability isn’t just a buzzword, it is the only approach that builds a business that lasts.
- Minimum of deep water used / All water recycled back to containment ponds and drip used on 50 acres of field production Our 20 acres of container and 15 acres of above ground BB plants all have recycled water also.
- Water periodically tested to insure quality
- Ponds aerated by wind power to improve quality
Native Plant Line
- Scope and sizes increasing
- Customer input always welcome for additional varieties
Cultural Practices
- Mechanical cultivation in fields / Hand weeding in containers
- Soil erosion prevented by planting in smaller blocks and surrounded by permanent vegetation
- Tooth harrow to keep soil structure
- Cover crops planted in unused fields / Soil enriched by tilling in cover crop
- Variety of organic amendments used between crops
- Local products purchased whenever possible
- Field soil tested and natural additives used to amend fields
- Integrated pest management / Tolerances established to avoid unnecessary pesticide use
- Spot spray as needed
- Continually looking for alternatives to chemicals
Recycling & Compost
- Container pots (#2)
- Paper
- Scrap metal
- Plant waste compost used in field and as a product we sell
- Plant waste and nursery grounds thoroughly cleaned up at conclusion of season
- Plant waste composted, tested, and screened
Container Mix
- Soil tested and natural ingredients used such as fine ground softwood bark, rice hulls and regional compost.
- Micro-nutrients added to potting mix